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May Original Japanese Maple tree

Posted by
Ruthiebear (Titusville, NJ, United States) on 18 May 2020 in Plant & Nature.

Taken May 11th. Here is APril's view
I value your comments

Apple iPhone 7 Plus 1/1497 second F/1.8 ISO 20 4 mm

Photography is my hobby and I enjoy viewing your comments and images , because they help me become better. I look through my lens and see art, beauty, color, texture and detail. I hope you enjoy seeing my journey from my point of view. Thanks for stopping by.
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Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Beautiful bit different tree. It has own color.

18 May 2020 5:21am

Martine Girard from Brest, France

Magnifique arbre, j'aime sa couleur.

18 May 2020 5:23am

Anne from France

Really beautiful color

18 May 2020 5:33am

Ginnie Hart from Netherlands

She's one of the biggest I've ever seen, Ruthie. What a joy to have her in your yard.

18 May 2020 6:10am

By Marie from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France

Your Japanese tree is really splendid!

18 May 2020 6:11am

manou from Provence, France

Il est vraiment magnifique et éclaire ton jardin avec ses feuilles rouges ! Quel bonheur ! belle journée Ruthie

18 May 2020 6:57am

jean pierre from Paris, France

superbe cet arbre!! amts

18 May 2020 7:00am

Pascale MD from Occitanie, France

Superbe cet arbre dont les couleurs tranchent avec la verdure du printemps.
Bonne journée Ruthie

18 May 2020 7:19am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Very nice colors and gloomy look.

18 May 2020 7:29am

Elaine K from Surrey, Canada

when i go in a paint store, i think there aren't enuff colours, but there sure are in nature, right? beautiful picture!

18 May 2020 8:25am

Astrid from GORINCHEM, Netherlands

What a delight to have such a tree in your garden, Ruthie. Love the sunny day here.
Have a good day.

18 May 2020 8:36am

Manav Singhi from Jaipur, India

Ah . . . Beautiful picture and lovely Tree, Have a Nice and Safe Day. . . :)

18 May 2020 8:37am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bel arbre

18 May 2020 8:39am

Marjolein from Westvoorne, Netherlands very lovely to see.

18 May 2020 10:53am

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Oh, what gorgeous, rich color captured in this maple tree! A nice medley of colors that accompany it as well.

18 May 2020 11:31am

j-francois from Normandie, France

Superbe cet arbre,joli contraste avec le vert de la pelouse et de l'autre arbre . Amitiés

18 May 2020 12:18pm

Benkirane Thami from Fès, Morocco

Il est magnifique et ça donne du tonus à l'ensemble débordant de chlorophylle! Bon début de semaine lumineuse!

18 May 2020 12:37pm

Paleblue Photography from St. Catharines, Canada


18 May 2020 12:52pm

Rose from United States

Wow, it is glorious!

18 May 2020 1:18pm

Devi from Chennai, India

wow...this looks just gorgeous !! Fabulous shot !

18 May 2020 3:02pm

Don from Spokane, United States

A great picture showing hos this tree can look beautiful. Excellent picture.

18 May 2020 5:54pm

omid from mashhad, Iran

such beautiful frame, colors & lights!

18 May 2020 6:01pm

suzanne from Belgium

Superbe avec ce beau contraste de couleurs !!!:-)

18 May 2020 6:26pm

Golondrina63Auv from France

Quel beau contraste de couleurs
Belle photo sur ce gazon frais tondu , j'imagine la bonne odeur d'herbe fraîche
Bonne soirée

18 May 2020 6:51pm

Jolanda from Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wow colorfull and big. Beautiful tree

18 May 2020 7:12pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

A beautiful tree and photo.

18 May 2020 7:14pm

willy from Belgium

magnifique avec ces belles couleurs Ruthie


18 May 2020 8:29pm

sherri from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

such richness of color

18 May 2020 9:38pm

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

It looks beautiful! I love the color!

19 May 2020 1:33am

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

looks like prime growing season

19 May 2020 1:42am

Elizabeth Buckalew from Flagstaff, United States

It looks so bright and full now!

19 May 2020 3:36am

Nath from France

These trees are fabulous, they are treasures in the gardens!

21 May 2020 8:09pm