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River View

Posted by
Ruthiebear (Titusville, NJ, United States) on 5 May 2021 in Landscape & Rural.

Taken APril 13
I value your comments.
Thank you for your continued supportive comments as I care for my husband who is undergoing chemo therapy. My comments may at times be sporadic or brief.

iPhone 7 Plus 1/60 second F/2.8 ISO 32 7 mm

Photography is my hobby and I enjoy viewing your comments and images , because they help me become better. I look through my lens and see art, beauty, color, texture and detail. I hope you enjoy seeing my journey from my point of view. Thanks for stopping by.
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See my Color Spotlight images

Claudine/canelle from Lorient, France

Hull, cela donne envie de se promener par là

5 May 2021 5:09am

Marie from Villages du Lac de Paladru, France

Superb colors, framing and place

5 May 2021 5:19am

PascalXLD from Rennes / Redon, France

Jolie vue sur cette rivière

Bonne journée

5 May 2021 5:51am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Very nice atmosphere in rain here.

5 May 2021 6:04am

jpla from Anjou, France


5 May 2021 6:09am

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Lovely view.

5 May 2021 6:09am

Ginnie Hart from Netherlands

I am so in tune with this kind of moodiness, Ruthie, especially on a rainy day, which we had yesterday. It's fitting.

5 May 2021 6:19am

Alun from Cheshire, United Kingdom

Really lovely image, a lovely feel

5 May 2021 6:23am

Astrid from Netherlands

My thoughts and prayers are with you today, Ruthie and I hope that it goes well and that your husband is feeling better. As for the picture, I love the view and that new green on the trees, rain is sometimes well needed. have a good day, Ruthie.

5 May 2021 6:43am


Marjolein from Westvoorne, Netherlands

Very fine green and wet lines.
And all the best.

5 May 2021 7:06am

omid from mashhad, Iran


5 May 2021 7:08am

Jean-LucT from Juignac, France

Belle rivière qui se cache derrière un rideau de verdure pour couler. La route humide semble un deuxième cours d'eau.

5 May 2021 7:27am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

YOu depicted the atmosphere of the rainy day nicely.

5 May 2021 8:18am

Elaine K from Delta, Canada

lovely, but i thought there was a flood at first lol xoxoxoxoxoxox

5 May 2021 8:28am

jean pierre from Paris, France

bel endroit!!

5 May 2021 8:47am

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

very nice with the wet road foreground, though I think the image works better when I scroll up and crop out the power lines.

5 May 2021 8:52am

Pascale MD from Cévennes, France

Magnifique photo et bel endroit, même s'il semble y avoir eu des débordements.
Bonne journée Ruthie

5 May 2021 9:01am

P-TER from Roeselare, Belgium

The water takes over the color!

5 May 2021 9:50am

Shaun from Massachusetts, United States

A very nice scene Ruthie.

5 May 2021 10:03am

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Splendid capture of this view as the budding foliage has a glowing presence!

5 May 2021 12:02pm

Claudiel from belgium, Belgium

Rainy weather in spring

5 May 2021 2:07pm

Petits Bonheurs from Digne les bains, France

Journée pluvieuse de printemps mais les petites feuilles sont là.
Bonne journée Ruthie

5 May 2021 2:44pm

Devi from Chennai, India

Lovely view !! Looks absolutely lovely with those reflections :)))

5 May 2021 2:46pm

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

It looks like a wet and moody day on the river.

5 May 2021 2:56pm

Rose from United States

Water, water everywhere!

5 May 2021 3:05pm

manou from Provence, France

Encore une vue magnifique aujourd'hui . J'aime voir les arbres avec leurs nouvelles feuilles. Belle journée Ruthie

5 May 2021 3:26pm

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Superb atmosphere .

5 May 2021 3:30pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

You can put on boots if you want to empty that letterbox.

5 May 2021 4:10pm

helys from Paris, France


5 May 2021 4:12pm

j-francois from Normandie, France

Jolie photo et jolie vue sur cette rivière, il me semble qu'elle a débordé ? Amitiés

5 May 2021 4:12pm

willy from Belgium

Malgré le mauvais temps, une belle image Ruthie


5 May 2021 5:17pm

Ray. B from Charentes-Poitou, France

Atmosphère superbe avec la pluie.

5 May 2021 5:28pm

Irene from San Francisco, United States

Excellent view.
I also like the road in the foreground with reflections on it.

5 May 2021 5:47pm

....peter from Canada

the spring leaves are growing well on these trees Ruthie... nice reflections on the wet road... friendship....peter:)

5 May 2021 7:18pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

A beautiful rainy day view of the river.

5 May 2021 7:45pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

the wet road gives an impression of flooding

6 May 2021 12:51am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

A beautiful view of the river. The leaves are such a pretty color. I like the reflections on the wet road.

6 May 2021 2:05am

Michael Rawluk from Williams Lake, BC, Canada

I love the view in the subdued light.

6 May 2021 2:29am

yo from Entre Seine et Loire, France

Magnifique ambiance pluvieuse !

6 May 2021 7:58am

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

J'aime bien cette ambiance de lumières, reflets et couleurs tristounettes qui sied très bien à cette très belle image.
Bravo l'artiste.

7 May 2021 2:33am