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My MOther's CLass from the 1930s

Posted by
Ruthiebear (Titusville, NJ, United States) on 10 September 2023 in People & Portrait.

am3-prompt-202337 Class
this week I have dived deep back into memories and archives.
I value your comments

Photography is my hobby and I enjoy viewing your comments and images , because they help me become better. I look through my lens and see art, beauty, color, texture and detail. I hope you enjoy seeing my journey from my point of view. Thanks for stopping by.
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Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Interesting picture of hustory

10 Sep 2023 5:19am

Claudine/canelle from Lorient, France

Toute une époque !!

10 Sep 2023 5:21am

Pascale MD from Parc National des Cévennes, France

Bel hommage à ta maman Ruthie.
Bonne journée.

10 Sep 2023 6:22am

jpla from Anjou, France

mes photos d'école m'ont été subtilisées...

10 Sep 2023 6:41am

Marie from Parc régional naturel de Chartreuse, France

In those days, children were still well-behaved and obedient, and often wore a uniform that erased the differences in status between pupils. A lovely tribute to your mum.

10 Sep 2023 6:55am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

very interesting group photo. There are children who look mature and those who don't.

10 Sep 2023 8:56am

@Hiro: One room schoolhouse for all ages

Daniel from Perpignan, France

nostalgie quand tu nous tiens !!!!

10 Sep 2023 10:03am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

A photograph that brings back good memories.

10 Sep 2023 2:41pm

Devi from Chennai, India

Beautiful capture!! Wish you told us which one is your Mom :))

10 Sep 2023 3:02pm

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Superb memories !

10 Sep 2023 4:17pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

Nostalgia at its best, great theme photo.

10 Sep 2023 4:42pm

Roger Dekert from VAUREAL, France

My mom was born in 1929, I'm lucky to still have her.
I don't know if she still has this kind of photo.
It's a beautiful picture.

10 Sep 2023 4:51pm

@Roger Dekert: My Mom was born in 1925 and has been gone for over 20 years. I still miss her but thankfully have many photos to keep her memory alive in my heart.

Carol Black from Chandler, Arizona, United States

I love old photos like this and I've been doing restoration on my family photos that go back to the 1860s.

10 Sep 2023 7:06pm

@Carol Black: I have many old family photos which I treasure. I am glad to hear of someone else who values them.

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

nice - we have a few photos of my grandparents in their teens in the late 191x to 1920. Great (I was going to say memories, but they predate my birth, so I guess) mementos

10 Sep 2023 9:44pm

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

What a wonderful picture to have. I have old photos and a lot of them I am not sure who the people are in the pictures. I wish now that I had sat down with my parents and written down who was in the photo.

11 Sep 2023 2:53am

@Elaine Hancock: Before my AUnt Mary passed away (Family historian) she and I went through a lot of old photos and she told me who they are. the numbers she added to this photos along with a list of who is who.

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

Excellent return from your mother's past, the best way to pay tribute to her.
Have a good day Ruthie.

11 Sep 2023 7:35am

@jeanmadis: Your blog would not let me leave a comment today.

Petits Bonheurs from Digne les bains, France

Une très belle photo souvenir.

11 Sep 2023 12:38pm

manou from Provence, France

Une très belle photo émouvante qui montre une autre époque. C'est un bel hommage à ta maman. J'en ai ainsi des photos anciennes mais je ne sais qui est qui sur les photos...même mon frère plus âgé que moi ne le sait pas, dommage...Bonne journée Ruthie

11 Sep 2023 2:26pm