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Off to College

Posted by
Ruthiebear (Titusville, NJ, United States) on 27 October 2023 in People & Portrait.

am3-prompt-202343 heartstrings
Here is my grandson as he begins college at Florida State in Tallahassee Florida, a thousand miles from home. It pulls at my heartstrings to have him so far away. We are in touch most days and Facetime once in a while. BUt I do miss him so.
I value your comments

*****DUe to an unrelated issue, I will have limited access to my desktop (and thus all of my photos) for a while. IN the meantime I have posted ahead some of my archive photos. I will comment when I can access from another computer. thank you for understanding.*****

Photography is my hobby and I enjoy viewing your comments and images , because they help me become better. I look through my lens and see art, beauty, color, texture and detail. I hope you enjoy seeing my journey from my point of view. Thanks for stopping by.
You can find me on Facebook
See my Color Spotlight images

Marie from Parc régional naturel de Chartreuse, France

Going to university in Florida must be quite pleasant for your grandson. It sounds like a nice college!

27 Oct 2023 5:38am

Daniel from Perpignan, France

Cool !

27 Oct 2023 6:37am

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

Bonjour jeune homme, je suis enchanté de faire votre connaissance.

27 Oct 2023 7:14am

Catherine (Toscana) from Pornic, France

Les enfants, les petits-enfants, prennent toujours leur envol... Mais je suis comme toi, tous me manquent. Je lui souhaite de faire de belles études.

27 Oct 2023 7:56am

Marjolein from Voorne aan Zee, Netherlands

Yes, that's life...letting go more and more...unfortunately

27 Oct 2023 8:19am

Pascale MD from Parc National des Cévennes, France

Eh oui, c'est ça quand il faut leur laisser déployer leurs propres ailes ;-)
Bonne journée Ruthie

27 Oct 2023 8:39am

Maryse from bordeaux, France

Je te comprends mais je me répète sans cesse qu'il faut savoir couper le cordon et les laisser s'envoler... je reste quand même une maman et une mamie poule comme on dit.... très présente mais sans les étouffer (enfin, je crois et je l'espère !!! :-) Il faut les laisser s'envoler, ils savent que nous sommes là si besoin c'est le principal... mais je comprends ton manque !!!!
Bonne journée et bon we Ruthie

27 Oct 2023 9:16am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

You have a nice grandson.

27 Oct 2023 9:33am

PascalXLD from Lorient, France

Toujours difficile d'être éloigné des siens
Bonne journée

27 Oct 2023 9:48am

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Fortunately, nowadays there are ways that make learning to connect easy.

27 Oct 2023 12:06pm

Devi from Chennai, India

I agree with you Ruthie...It is real heartache when children are away !

27 Oct 2023 3:08pm

Devi from Chennai, India

Have a nice weekend Ruthie :)
Guess what ? I am on to the last chapter of my detective novel with Ronnie and Alvia...Only difference is that the kids are grown up now (Alvia and Ronnie ) and the Novel is also for those above 19..yes an adult book with murders Aw!! But when I say adult...there are no sizzling bedroom scenes!! It is a CLEAN book!! Ha ha ha !!
Love & hugs

27 Oct 2023 3:12pm

@Devi: How exciting. Let me know when it is published.

Claudiel from belgium, Belgium

Children and grandchildren grow up so quickly
A pleasure for us grandparents

27 Oct 2023 3:42pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

Small children grow up and go their own way, beautiful photo.

27 Oct 2023 4:46pm

Ray. B from Charentes-Poitou, France

Allez... courage !... :))))))))))))))))))))))

27 Oct 2023 4:50pm

willy from Brussels, Belgium

a thousand miles from home...

.pas facile Ruthe


27 Oct 2023 5:27pm

Elizabeth Buckalew from Flagstaff, United States

Oh ! Congratulations !!! And condolences.... I do know how that is. My daughter and her family are a thousand miles away from us as well. :-(

27 Oct 2023 5:47pm

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

A beautiful photo ! Yes we miss them when they are far away but you must be proud of him, and as you are close you have each other in the heart .

27 Oct 2023 7:12pm

Ron from Fraser Valley, Canada

I wish him the best in his studies.

27 Oct 2023 8:06pm

Marie-Line from Nant, Aveyron, France

Seeing a child leave the nest and embark on their adult life must also be a great experience.

27 Oct 2023 8:37pm

Roger Dekert from VAUREAL, France

That's life.
Children, grandchildren, they all end up leaving, sometimes far away.
Fortunately, with current communication technologies, the world is small and we can talk to each other and see each other, despite the distances.

27 Oct 2023 9:17pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

they grow up and away and life continues

28 Oct 2023 2:37am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

I can only imagine how much you must miss him. I hope that he gets home for holidays to visit. A perfect image for this week's theme.

28 Oct 2023 2:52am

Devi from Chennai, India

It will take time to edit Ruthie..shall let you know as soon as it is uploaded :)))))Thank you :)))))

28 Oct 2023 2:20pm